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Early Help Offer


Early Help Offer


Here at Chelmondiston Church of England Primary School, we understand that from time to time family life can have its complications. There may be times when just a little extra support can help a family to get things back on track.  Early Help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life.  If ever things are not right at home, please come and talk to us.  Below is a list of the support and services that form part of our Early Help offer.


  • Staff visible on the playground every day as a first point of contact
  • Headteacher/SLT Drop in once a term to provide a forum for sharing information or concerns
  • Coffee Mornings for parents and members of the local community (social event)
  • Early Bird Club (wrap around care) available daily from 8 a.m. until the start of school
  • Late Bird Club (wrap around care) available from Monday - Friday after school until 5 p.m.
  • Lunchtime Activities supported by trained members of staff
  • Robust system for recording, sharing and monitoring concerns regarding pupils (including safeguarding as a standing item on weekly staff meetings)
  • Strong safeguarding culture – four members of staff are trained DSLs
  • Newly created role of Pastoral Support Lead (Mrs A. Gibson), Mental Health First Aid trained, providing tailored for one-to-one and small group nurture support as required
  • CAF (Common Assessment Framework) referrals made to support families
  • Robust behaviour policy with built in flexibility to support those pupils for whom behaviour is a challenge
  • CISS (County Inclusive Support Services) involvement for pupils with specific emotional/behavioural needs
  • CAMHS (Child & Adult Mental Health Services) referrals made to support children’s mental health needs
  • Regular meetings (weekly, biweekly according to need) between parents and Headteacher or parents and Class Teacher to support some families
  • Links on school website signposting outside agencies that offer support to families
  • Signposting to external agencies: SEND support groups, Triple P Parenting Courses etc.
  • Links to out-of-hours support for parents on website
  • Weekly newsletter gives contact details of parenting support agencies (ChatHealth and Parenting and Family Support
  • Thrive approach used to promote well-being and positive mental health
  • PSHE programme based on emotional literacy and mindfulness (JIGSAW), delivered weekly
  • Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on outdoor learning and its benefits for pupil well-being
  • Referral to outside agencies: Dyslexia Outreach team, Speech and Language, Acorn Trees Educational Psychologist Team
  • Interventions tailored to support children with identified learning needs
  • Regular online safety learning (complimented by annual recognition of Safer Internet Day with workshops run by the Year 6 Online Safety Champions)
  • Biannual Childline assemblies (‘Speak Out Stay Safe’), complemented by additional age-appropriate, learning about safe relationships and trusted adults
  • Active School Council to seek pupils’ views
  • Financial support for trips, uniforms, residential trips, clubs etc. (pupil premium funding)
  • Robust system for monitoring attendance and punctuality – Educational Welfare Officer support
  • Support for parents and carers to complete forms as required

Contact Details and Useful Links
