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Cultural Aspects Day at Chelmo

We spent today asking questions and learning about CULTURE. Mrs Etchingham introduced the day with a whole school assembly which showed different ways that people greet each other and say hello around the world. 

Key Stage one pupils compared pictures of bedrooms of children from around the world. "We learnt that some things are very different but we all had some things that were the same."  All children had the opportunity to consider stereotypes and how this can affect, for example, how boys and girls are sometimes treated differently.  Some classes investigated children's lifestyles in different countries. Children also looked at photographs of people and discussed if we should make judgements based on what someone looks like. Older pupils discussed stereotypes for Barbie and Ken then considered whether there are jobs that men and women can be better at. 

We have special SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) themed days to provide opportunities for children to explore lifestyles and ideas that extend beyond our daily lives. 


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