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School Council

Why do we have a School Council?

School Council is an ideal opportunity for children to get more involved in the way our school is run. The School Council benefits the whole school, children and staff. It provides opportunities for children to communicate their feelings as well as discuss decisions that are made. Councillors develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each Councillor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other children they represent.

Who can be a member of the School's Council?

We have an active School Council with two children representing their fellow pupils from Year 1 to Year 6. Each councillor is elected by their classmates at the beginning of the school year after a short presentation explaining why they should be elected. 

What do we do?

Our School Council are responsible for representing the opinions and interests of their classmates and other children in the school. Members of the Council take part in discussions and votes and also feed back any relevant information to their class. At times they are requested to ask their class for ideas or take class votes relating to discussions by the Council. Members meet regularly with a school leader. Councillors will also work together to find solutions to problems, to address the issues raised and to make improvements to the school.  


Aside from this area of responsibility, the School Council also take responsibility for organising whole school events such as Children in Need and other whole-school charity events.  Sometimes councillors will lead Collective Worship.


Children in Need 2023


We had a productive meeting, suggesting lots of ideas of ways to raise money for Children in Need. We had a democratic vote and decided to have a bake sale and pyjama day.

Bright Day 2023


Our first role as school councillors was to organise Bright Day to raise awareness of road safety in the winter months. We led an assembly to explain how to stay safe in the dark, and gave out prizes to the children wearing the brightest outfits!

Welcome to the School Council page - Autumn 2023


Our School Councillors for 2023-24 are:


Ivy M           Sam C            Ty M

Isaac P        Isaac J           Darcey C

James E      Maddie H       Isabella B

George S     Taiya M          Ella SP

Henry N       Phoebe P



Check out the link below to find out more about the role of a School Council. 

Our School Council are responsible for representing the ideas, interests and opinions of their classmates and other children in the school.  Each half-term, we meet to talk about issues that are of importance and interest to the children in our school.  We work together to find solutions to these problems, to address the issues raised and to make improvements to our school and our time here.  


Aside from this area of responsibility, the School Council also take responsibility for organising whole school events such as Children in Need and other whole-school charity events.  

Contact Details and Useful Links
