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Church of England Primary School

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Statement of Intent:

Our Computing curriculum aims to reflect the fact that computing and the use of computer technology has become a significant and largely unavoidable part of everyone’s daily life.  It is our aim that children are enabled to stay at the forefront of development and change in this area of modern life, inspired and excited about the potential and scope of all that the world of computing can offer.  The curriculum is designed to increase the children’s knowledge and understanding of technology and to develop the fundamental and transferable skills required to engage with technology not only in computing lessons, but across the curriculum and in their lives outside of school. 


The ‘Big Ideas’:

The ‘Big Ideas‘ in our Computing curriculum are: computational thinking, creative problem-solving and safe, informed communication.  These form an integral part of the development of skills and the learning of key concepts in this curriculum area. 

Progression Document: Big Ideas in Computing

National Curriculum Programme of Study

Long Term Planning Document

Contact Details and Useful Links
