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Church of England Primary School

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Statement of Intent:

For every child to develop a deep understanding of Mathematics, equipping them with the skills of calculation, reasoning and problem-solving that they can apply to their daily lives. Children will gain confidence in their ability through regular opportunities for challenge by choice and the ethos that mistakes lead to deeper learning. 


The ‘Big Ideas’:

The ‘Big Ideas’ in our Mathematics curriculum are: fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.  These form an integral part of the development of skills and the learning of key concepts in this area of the curriculum.


Mastering number - Key Stage 1 


EYFS and Key Stage 1 classes participate in Maths Club (Mastering Number) - a new initiative from the NCETM and Maths Hubs which thousands of school around the country are joining in with. The children have several quick, fun and pacy extra maths sessions several times per week where they develop and secure their number sense, use mathematical language and use a range of mathematical resources and representations. 

Progression Document: Big Ideas in Mathematics

National Curriculum Programme of Study

Long Term Planning Document

Maths in the Movies Day Autumn 2022

Maths and Stories Day - Autumn 2021

Contact Details and Useful Links
