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Edme (Year 6)

Welcome to Edme Class Page!  

Outdoor Learning Afternoon - Edme and Thistle Class

PSHE: Relationships and Sex Education

History: Fingerprint Forensics

Sports Day Carousel Run by Edme Class

Science: Battle of the Beaks

Music: Making a Film Soundtrack

Geography: Identify and Describe World Biomes

PSHE: Healthy Me - How can drugs be grouped and how are they officially classified?

Art: Sculpting Sumerian Clay Token from Clay

Science: Representing Electrical Components with Symbols in Circuit Diagrams

Art: responding to the work of Henry Moore by pinching, pulling and smoothing clay

Science: Exploring Light and Shadows with Shadow Puppets

DT: Adapting a Recipe Using Knowledge of Food Groups

English: Making Inferences about Characters' Feelings and Motives

Art: Using a Printing Block to Create a Printed Pattern on Dip-Dyed Fabric (Inspired by the Architecture of Norman Foster)

Science/English: Dissecting Owl Pellets

National Poetry Day

English/Science: Learning About Birds of Prey - A Visit from Scott Mason

English: Evaluating the Quality of a Playscript

Art: Making a Printing Block with String

Art: Textiles - Developing Ideas for Printing, Inspired by the Architecture of Norman Foster

Music: Exploring Texture

Music: Conducting to Control Dynamics, Pitch and Texture

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