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Church of England Primary School

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Welcome to the Worship Page


Whole school assemblies are held across the week as part of our Collective Worship; these include the Head Teacher's assembly, singing led by Mrs Palmer-Long and child-led assemblies (Collective Worship Leaders in Y6). Assemblies usually take place at 10:20am in the school hall - sometimes classes hold form assemblies in their classrooms. Each class holds a sharing assembly each term to which parents and carers are invited.


Reverend Liesbeth Oosterhof and  Mrs Rachel Wainwright are regular visitors in school to lead assemblies. The children also visit St. Andrew's Church and the Methodist Chapel throughout the year for Easter, Remembrance and Christmas services. At the end of each academic year we have a service which celebrates those children in Year Six who are moving on to secondary school.


July 2021 Family Service

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