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Welcome to Cygnet Class, our Reception class. Please read this page to find out more information about Early Years in our school. Please do also look at our Cygnet Class page to see photos of the exciting things this year's cohort have been doing in school.


What is Cygnet class all about?


We aim to:

  • Foster the personal, social and emotional well-being in all children by supporting the transition to a school setting;
  • Enhance children’s social skills, encouraging them to co-operate and work harmoniously alongside, and with each other;
  • Promote attention skills and perseverance;
  • Create independent and enquiring learners;
  • Build on what children already know at a level that is relevant for each individual;
  • Recognise that every child is unique;
  • Develop positive relationships with all our families.


How will my child learn in Reception?


In Reception your child will learn in a very practical, purposeful way. Your child will learn with the EYFS teaching staff, both in whole class or group situations and through child-initiated activities.  We keep our planning flexible so we can always cater for children’s individual needs and interests.

The Reception children are based in the Cygnets classroom; this classroom has access to our fantastic outside learning area.

Mrs Bowman and Miss Brown are the teachers responsible for Cygnets class and Ms Harvey and Miss Turner are the Learning Support Assistants.



The curriculum in Reception is divided into three prime areas of learning and four specific areas and follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum from birth to five. These seven areas are:


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

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