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Church of England Primary School

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Statement of Intent:

Our PSHE Curriculum has been designed to build social skills, foster emotional intelligence, promote an understanding of mental health and nurture children’s relationships with themselves and others. This carefully sequenced programme of learning focuses on building resilience, confidence and self-esteem.  By nurturing the whole self, and encouraging reflection and empathy, our curriculum helps pupils to develop a positive sense of self, to relate to others and respect difference and diversity.  Through all of this, our pupils are encouraged to explore the positive contribution they can make to school life and the wider community.


The ‘Big Ideas’:

The ‘Big Ideas’ in our PSHE curriculum are: respectresilience and social-responsibility.  These form an integral part of the development of skills and the learning of key concepts in this area of the curriculum.

Long Term Planning Document

Jigsaw - our comprehensive approach to PSHE

RSE - Please see the information below which details the Jigsaw approach that we use to teach RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)

Please find our RSE policy below. This has been approved by governors. We would like parents and carers to read this and contact us if they have any queries: your feedback is important to us.

Calm Me Time

PSHE Children voice assembly 8th March 2023

Using our Jigsaw character Jo to support us with our learning.

Edme Class PSHE

Years 5/6 Jigsaw connect us activities

Parents PSHE Share Session

Contact Details and Useful Links
