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Church of England Primary School

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PE and Sport Premium

Our Aim:

  • To establish an ethos that promotes activity and fitness, health and fun for all pupils
  • To provide all children with access to a broad, balanced programme of physical activities with opportunities for social interaction and engagement with the outdoors


All Primary Schools receive a Sport Premium allocation. This funding is to be used for schools to provide, develop and deliver sustainable high-quality teaching in school physical education and sport.

We use our funding to ensure our pupils enjoy active lunchtimes with play leaders, to up-skill teachers, to partially fund swimming, purchase new equipment and ensure children have high quality outdoor areas in which to play sport.


Some PE lessons are taught by coaches from Premier Education, who also run a wide range of after school sports clubs and lead lunchtime sports activities.  Our pupils participate in a wide range of competitions - both within school and against other schools. 


Swimming Information

At Chelmondiston CE Primary School all children from Years 1 to 6 have swimming lessons for about half a term every year. This reflects our commitment to physical education, personal safety and learning to swim as a life skill.

Sport Premium Report July 2024

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