Here at Chelmondiston Church of England Primary School, we understand that from time to time family life can have its complications. There may be times when just a little extra support can help a family to get things back on track. Early Help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life. If ever things are not right at home, please come and talk to us. Below is a list of the support and services that form part of our Early Help offer.
- Staff visible on the playground every day as a first point of contact
- Headteacher/SLT Drop in once a term to provide a forum for sharing information or concerns
- Coffee Mornings for parents and members of the local community (social event)
- Early Bird Club (wrap around care) available daily from 8 a.m. until the start of school
- Late Bird Club (wrap around care) available from Monday - Friday after school until 5 p.m.
- Lunchtime Activities supported by trained members of staff
- Robust system for recording, sharing and monitoring concerns regarding pupils (including safeguarding as a standing item on weekly staff meetings and staff bulletin)
- Strong safeguarding culture – four members of staff are trained DSLs
- Pastoral Support Lead (Mrs A. Gibson), Mental Health First Aid trained, providing tailored one-to-one and small group nurture support as required
- CAF (Common Assessment Framework) referrals made to support families
- Robust behaviour policy with built-in flexibility to support those pupils for whom behaviour is a challenge
- CISS (County Inclusive Support Services) involvement for pupils with specific emotional/behavioural needs
- CAMHS (Child & Adult Mental Health Services) referrals made to support children’s mental health needs
- Regular meetings (weekly, biweekly according to need) between parents and Headteacher or parents and Class Teacher to support some families
- Links on school website signposting outside agencies that offer support to families
- Signposting to external agencies: SEND support groups, Triple P Parenting Courses etc.
- Links to out-of-hours support for parents on website
- Bi-weekly newsletter gives contact details of parenting support agencies (ChatHealth and Parenting and Family Support
- Thrive approach used to promote well-being and positive mental health
- PSHE programme based on emotional literacy and mindfulness (JIGSAW), delivered weekly
- Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on outdoor learning and its benefits for pupil well-being
- Referral to outside agencies: Dyslexia Outreach team, Speech and Language, Acorn Trees Educational Psychologist Team
- Interventions tailored to support children with identified learning needs
- Regular online safety learning (complimented by annual recognition of Safer Internet Day with workshops run by the Year 6 Online Safety Champions)
- Biannual Childline assemblies (‘Speak Out Stay Safe’), complemented by additional age-appropriate, learning about safe relationships and trusted adults
- Active School Council to seek pupils’ views
- Financial support for trips, uniforms, residential trips, clubs etc. (pupil premium funding)
- Robust system for monitoring attendance and punctuality – Educational Welfare Officer support
- Support to complete forms