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Church of England Primary School

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Statement of Intent:

Our music curriculum is designed to ignite passion for the potential of music as an art form and a means to connect with others through performance.  Our pupils will be inspired by music from different traditions, cultures and countries, thus developing their understanding and appreciation of music from around the world.  Skills progression is an integral part of our music curriculum.  As pupils move through our school, they will deepen their understanding of how music is created, produced and performed through the inter-related dimensions of music.  Carefully sequenced lessons enable pupils to build on prior learning and to become confident, reflective musicians, who recognise that music can resonate emotionally with people and as such can make a positive impact on their lives. 


The ‘Big Ideas’:

The ‘Big Ideas’ in our Music curriculum are: engagementappreciation and culture. These form an integral part of the development of skills and the learning of key concepts in this area of the curriculum.

Progression Document: Big Ideas in Music

National Curriculum Programme of Study

Long Term Planning Document

Music Development Plan Summary

KS2: Music from India

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This unit explored the music of India, learning specifically about the rag, drone and tal. The children's compositions included these elements and were played on tuned and untuned percussion instruments.

Rock Around the Clock

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In this unit the children learned how to play a 'walking bassline', which was accompanied by untuned percussion and vocals.

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