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Church of England Primary School

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Cygnet (Reception)

Welcome to Cygnet Class!  

Welcome to our Class Page


Cygnet Class have had a fantastic start to the year. We have been so impressed with how quickly the children have settled into school routines, how well they care and look out for each other and how resilient they are with their learning. We hope you enjoy looking at our learning journey.

Forest School

Suffolk Mind Wellbeing Session

Fire engine visit

Making cookies

Art - Creating pictures of space

Our trip to the Transport Museum

'To support you to keep your children safe when working online, one of the best websites to use to help you is 'Internet matters.org'. It has up to date information on games and apps your children may want to play. It also has safety advice for working online for your family. You can also find on the website how to put security settings and parental controls in place for your own devices and your home internet systems. https://www.internetmatters.org/ 

Please also find uploaded the appropriate age guides for your children when working online. 

Contact Details and Useful Links
