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Exciting arrival of Paralympic torch across the River Orwell

This morning, KS2 pupils gathered excitedly on the river bank to welcome the arrival of a Paralympic torch which travelled across the River Orwell from Nacton CofE Primary School.  A group of Key Stage 2 pupils and the Headteacher, went by rib to collect the torch from Nacton Shores and bring it back to Pin Mill, where the whole school waited in anticipation for its arrival.  

The Paralympic Torch, from London 2012, is on a journey from school to school, visiting all 21 primary schools from the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust.

"As our schools are only across the river from each other, it seemed an exciting opportunity for our children as they begin to learn about the significance of the Olympic and Paralympic games, ahead of Paris 2024. We have strong links with our community and were delighted when Neptune Sailing, Pin Mill Sailing Club and the Coast Guard agreed to help us mark this special occasion and make it a memorable event for our pupils. We were also joined by a photographer from the EADT and local professional photographer, Anthony Cullen.” L. Etchingham

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