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Safer Internet Day 2024

Today is Safer Internet Day.

Using the Internet safely, whilst enjoying the wealth of benefits it can bring, is a key aspect to our weekly computing lessons, however we also mark this special day each year to ensure that our pupils and parents know how to make the best use of the Internet, whilst keeping safe. 

Mr McGinn, our computing lead and KS2 specialist computing teacher, led a special assembly to highlight the need for careful and sensible online use. 

Edith May enjoyed the BBC live online lesson, which informed children about the increasing use of AI.  Thistle class had a pupil / parent workshop, which enabled children and adults to discuss and reflect on different scenarios that they may find themselves in - the key message was how important it is that parents/carers and children talk together about what they do on-line, with children always seeking adult advice if they are concerned about anything they see or hear. 

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